Orfa Meza - Updated May 3

We need your help.  UPDATE... We have received all the donations we need for Orfa´s surgery... see further updates below... We need your prayers and we have an urgent financial need. Many of you not only know but have been personally touched by the ministry of our camp directors Jose Luis and Orfa Meza. Jose Luis has 34 years working for AMG and his wife Orfa has nearly 30. They have operated our camp, Campamento Canaan, for the last 28 years! As many of you know, they are the most dedicated and Godly examples... sharing their passion for Christ with thousands of children each year. So many of our sponsored children accept Christ during their camp experience each year.

Jose Luis and Orfa came to my office today following a host of medical tests that she had to have. Orfa has been experiencing dizziness, headaches and other neuro symptoms. She was told today that she is in URGENT need of surgery... a very difficult and complicated brain surgery. She has an aneurysm on the left side of her brain that is in danger of bursting and ending her life.

We cried together, shared scripture and then invited our entire office in to pray. They have NO funds with which to pay for this surgery and they came today heavy with worry over the cost. The entire surgery will cost Q80,000 Quetzales or approximately $10,000. In the U.S. I can´t even begin to imagine what the cost would be.

I have told them to go ahead with all the pre-surgery exams she needs to undergo and not to worry about the price... that we would find a way to support them... that God would provide. It is the least we can do for them.


I received an email late last night from the Christian Doctor here in Guatemala that I had been referred to (by April Haymen), to check on Orfas Doctor and review her MRI scans. He had sent me a voicemail prior to receiving my email with the recomendation of a Doctor for Orfa. I was surprised to learn that Orfas Dr. (Dr. Julio Gatica) was the very man that this Doctor had recommended to us.

Here is an excerpt from his email:

"Hello my dear brothers,

This is the same doctor I sent you his cell phone number. One of the best neurosurgeons in the Country. Had his training in Panama many year ago, came to Guatemala, worked for the San Carlos University medical school as a professor of neurosurgery, established the first unit of Neurosurgery in a public hospital (hospital Roosevelt).

That unit is now part of the San Carlos University medical school, were they started the first area for a postgraduate program in neurosurgery in Guatemala.  I am not sure at all, but I think doctor Julio Gatica still work overseeing that Unit and give some of his time to train new neurosurgeons in the Country.  Still in 1996- 2000, when some of my doctors friends where students in this Neurosurgery unit in Roosevelt Hospital, the rest of neurosurgeons used to asked doctor Gatica to perform the surgeries in patients with Aneurysms since he was (and I think still is) one of the best trained on this kind of surgeries even the rest of neurosurgeons were very good on performing the rest of neurological procedures."

We will tell Orfa of this, this morning. I think it will give her some confidence. Please pray for Orfa and Jose Luis as they have a long road ahead of them with this surgery. I believe the procedure will take place in a week or so.

Update April 5

Orfa will be having pre-op testing on this Wednesday and will receive a date for her operation later this week.

Update April 7

Orfa is being treated for an infection they found today and will resume preop testing on Friday.  She will receive a date for her surgery on Friday.  Her spirits are good and her faith is strong!

Update April 12

Orfa has completed all pre-op testing and will be admitted the night of April 25th to the hospital.  Her surgery is scheduled for the morning of April 26.  Her faith is strong but she and Jose Luis are definately feeling the weight of this very delicate surgery.  She is nervous but told me yesterday that she knows that God is allowing this  so that He can ultimately be glorified.  We love Orfa and are praying for she and Jose Luis... for their strength and for her healing.

Update May 3

Orfa is already out of the hospital and doing well.  She has some pain from headaches which they are treating with pain killers.  This is normal and should subside as the swelling and effects of the operation go away. 

Orfa is staying with her sister in the city while she recuperates.  Jose Luis is back at work at the camp and anxious for his wife´s return... which we expect within 15 days.  The doctors have no immediate concerns and say that her progress is excellent. 

The Lord sure has provided for Orfa and her familia!  Many thanks to all who contributed towards her surgery and for all the prayers on their behalf!